Wings of Hope Healing Garden

The Wings of Hope Healing Garden is an indoor nature experience.

We created it to help promote a mind-body-spirit healing space for those on a cancer journey. Research shows the benefits of nature can be a relief from physical symptoms, a reduction of anxiety and the stress response symptoms, and improvement in a sense of well-being. We invite cancer patients and their care partners to experience this gentle, calming space. We provide guided meditations, journaling opportunities and Tone Therapy. Call us at 712.325.8970 and reserve a time to enjoy nature’s healing. We also offer experiential classes throughout the year.

2025 Programming

Pictured at left: The American Midwest Ballet’s Kogan Murphy in last year’s production of “Cinderella.”



All of our Healing Garden programming is free of charge for those on the cancer journey. Attend in person or via Zoom. Questions? Call us at 712.325.8970.

Discovery Circle: Tell Your Story and Leave a Legacy
March 26 | April 2 | April 9 | April 16
4:00 to 5:30pm

Have you ever thought about the legacy you might leave for others or the legacies passed down to you by previous generations? Whether or not we have direct descendents or know our ancestors, our lives and stories have the power to connect with and impact others in numerous ways. Come and discover how you can leave a legacy by telling your story! Attendance at all 4 sessions is encouraged. To register, call 712.325.8970 or email